The Mexican Journal of Orthopedics is the official journal of the Federación Mexicana de Colegios de Ortopedia y Traumatología (FEMECOT). The aim of the journal is to disseminate scientific knowledge and technological developments for innovation in diagnostic and therapeutic approaches with original articles on basic and clinical aspects of modern orthopedics in an international context with global impact. The main goal of the journal is to serve as a platform for the dissemination of research, clinical studies, and advancements in the field of orthopedics within (but not limited to) the Latin American context highlighting regional issues, promoting cultural diversity, facilitating collaboration, addressing resource limitations, advancing education and training, and promoting global collaboration.


The Mexican Journal of Orthopedics is a bilingual publication, offering articles in Spanish and English, and releases four issues annually in an online format. Launched in 2024, the journal upholds a stringent double-blind peer-review process to ensure the quality and credibility of its content. Notably, authors incur no fees for publication, aligning with our commitment to accessibility. Moreover, all articles are freely available, facilitating widespread access to cutting-edge orthopedic research and insights.

Current Issue:

Vol.1 Num.1

January - March,
Volume 1, Number 1


Félix Vilchez-Cavazos

Revista Mexicana de Ortopedia

Original articles:

Raymundo A. Rodríguez-Torres, Francisco J. Arrambide-Garza, Jorge A. Melchor-Villegas, Víctor M. González-Moreno, Victor M. Peña-Martinez, Félix Vilchez-Cavazos

System of stems with three different types of femoral neck angulation in hip arthroplasty
Luis Salinas-Vela, Luis Vallejo-Leija, Mario Simental-Mendía, Gregorio A. Villarreal-Villarreal, Victor M. Peña-Martinez, Yadira A. Tamez-Mata, Carlos A. Acosta-Olivo

Comparison of high-volume versus conventional image-guided injection for rotator cuff tendinopathy: a randomized pilot study

Review articles:

Sergio Rivera-Zarazúa, Noé Meza-Rodríguez, José F. de la Garza-Salazar, Victor M. Peña-Martinez, Adriana Hernández-López, Eustorgio Ruiz-Chapa, Carlos A. Acosta-Olivo

Bursitis de la pata de ganso: conceptos actuales

Case reports:

Rafael A. Jiménez-Umbarila, Daniel Montaño-Gómez, Mauricio Gómez-Vidrio-Sahagún, Antonio Acevedo-Aguilar

Quiste óseo aneurismático en el cuello femoral de la cadera izquierda en una niña de 6 años. A propósito de un caso
Germán R. Acosta-Gómez, José R. Acosta-Gómez, Óscar A. Garza-Tovar, Félix Vilchez-Cavazos

Múltiples gangliones intraarticulares sintomáticos en la rodilla: reporte de caso